
〒279-0031 千葉県浦安市舞浜1-8

Hilton Tokyo Bay
279-0031, Urayasu-shi, 1-8 Maihama, Japan
This is an exclusive balloon plan application page for Hilton Tokyo Bay.




17:00/17:30/18:00/18:30/19:00/19:30 よりお選びくださいませ。



[Please Read Before Making a Reservation]

(1) Regarding the Timing of Decorations

In principle, balloon decorations are arranged on your check-in day.
We will set up the decorations prior to your arrival (before you check in). Please note that we generally cannot accommodate requests to set up decorations after check-in or while you are away at dinner.
If you are booking a balloon plan, please select a check-in time from the following options: 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30.

(2) Reservations and Cancellations

Please note that we do not accept reservations for balloon decorations alone without an accompanying room reservation.
The cancellation policies for room reservations and balloon decorations differ. If you choose to cancel your stay, please remember that you must also cancel the balloon decoration separately.
Please make your balloon plan reservation at least [X] days prior to your arrival date. (Reservations can be made through this form.)
For any changes or cancellations, please contact us by 15:00, three days before the scheduled installation date. After this deadline, changes cannot be accommodated, and a 100% cancellation fee will apply.

(3) Other Information

Any balloons left in the room after checkout will be disposed of by the hotel. If you would like them kept for the remainder of the day, we will store them at the lobby service desk.








    お名前 (バルーンプラン お申込ご本人様) Name必須 Required
    フリガナ (バルーンプラン お申込ご本人様) Name必須 Required
    バルーンのご予約者様とホテルのご予約者様は同一名義でしょうか?必須 Required


    ホテルのご予約者様名必須 Required
    メールアドレス E-mail必須 Required
    メールアドレス確認 Confirm E-mail必須 Required
    電話番号 Phone Number必須 Required
    ご利用目的 Purpose必須 Required
    ご利用希望日 Date of use
    チェックイン予定時間 Check-in Time
    配送・設置場所 Delivery Address
    バースデープラン必須 Required
    カラー Color必須 Required

    カラー Color必須 Required

    アニバーサリープラン必須 Required
    プロポーズプラン必須 Required
    バルーンへのメッセージ Balloon Message必須 Required



    ナンバーレターバルーン Option
    数字  Number必須 Required

    バルーンフラワー Option
    バルーンフラワーへのメッセージ Balloon Message必須 Required

    バルーンアレンジ Option
    バルーンアレンジへのメッセージ Balloon Message必須 Required

    ユニコーン Option
    個数 Number必須 Required

    ご要望・その他お問い合わせ Description

    ご予約・お問い合わせフォームへ内容をご記入の上、確認・送信をしてください。 内容確認後、24時間以内にご連絡いたします。 万が一、24時間が経過しても連絡が無い場合は、大変お手数ではございますがこちら受付:050-1743-8392にお電話くださいませ。

    Please fill out the reservation/inquiry form and confirm/send it. After confirming the contents, we will contact you within 24 hours. If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, please call our reception desk at 050-1743-8392.
    Any balloons left in your room after check-out will be disposed of (if you wish to keep them for the rest of the day, they can be left at the lobby service).
    Please refrain from purchasing only options.
    Please note that the cancellation policies for lodging reservations and Balloon are different.
    When you cancel your stay, you will be required to go through a separate balloon cancellation procedure in addition to the cancellation of your room reservation.
    In principle, balloon installation is available on the day of check-in.