Tokyo Solamachi Town 7th Anniversary Event

We provided balloon decorations for "Rainbow Sweets Land - Tokyo Ice Cream Land Chapter 2 - with Epson and ORYZAE Celebrations," an official event held from May 9 (Thu) to May 19 (Sun) to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Tokyo Skytree Town®.

A photojournalistic space made in rainbow colors for the 7th anniversary.

Epson's projector was used for the event, and balloons and images were fused together.

The first space is "Sweets Land" made of balloons.

Balloon lollipops, balloon ice cream, balloon candy canes, balloon cupcakes, balloon popsicles, balloon donuts, balloon houses and all sorts of cute balloon sweets.
The balloon house has smoke rising from the images behind it and a sweet aroma wafting throughout the space.

Unicorns run across the rainbow in "Candy Rain & Unicorns".

A dreamy space like in a fairy tale with unicorns walking on a rainbow amidst rain made of balloons falling from the sky.
Balloon rain is very photogenic because the balloons are both colorful and transparent.

The unicorn walking in the rain of balloons is very cute.

Ice cream melting in "RAINBOW SWEETS LAND

Event title space where you can take pictures on top of ice cream.

Baking Bowl

A ball pool where a cute bear comes to take a peek.